My Herbal Garden

A herbal garden is a great way to grow some beautiful and helpful plants that can be easily used to provide for many wellbeing needs. All the plants that I am suggesting here are great for their taste, and are therefore very good for cooking, but they have many other properties that make them very…

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My journey into curly hair management

My journey into curly hair management started June this year, before that I have to admit I was in denial. My relationship with my hair has always been a strange one. The reason being that my hair is very coarse and a strange mix of wavy, straight and curly, all seasoned in frizz and extreme…

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Vegan Harvest Muffins

I have tried this yummy vegan harvest muffins recipe a couple of years ago now, and since then it has become a favourite end of summer/beginning of Autumn treat. We are using some seasonal fruits: apples and blueberries, to celebrate the fruit harvest, and I have modified slightly the original recipe to be vegan, and…

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Grey Hair And Self Acceptance

Grey hair and self acceptance is a correlation i would not have made when I decided to go grey. But I learnt that sometimes hair.., Has nothing to do with hair! When I was studying in London more than 20 years ago there was a brilliant two pages ad on Cosmopolitan magazine, picturing a woman…

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How to nail your autumn healthy diet

Adjusting to the changing season Autumn is here, and despite the lovely weather still brightening the day, I can already feel the change and the exponential decrease in sunlight that comes with the darker side of the year, here in the northern hemisphere. Our body, wether we perceive it or not, is quite sensible to…

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Be lenient with yourself

Expectations and how to juggle them Not sure how your September started, but mine for sure full of great expectations. The commitment towards a particular project, the improvement of my daily routine, a long postponed new diet plan to address some intolerances that have slightly got worst lately. I was focusing on taking things easy…

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Dark chocolate: history and health benefits

I have always had a passion for chocolate, dark chocolate precisely, the darker the better. I love the one with 75% of cocoa minimum, otherwise all I can taste is the sugar, and I wouldn’t want to lose the typical bitter notes of its flavour! Despite knowing it might not be the right season yet,…

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Aubergines and Peppers Caponata

Aubergines and peppers caponata: a summer recipe Since Summer it’s still here, I’m going for a recipe that definitely showcases the best of summer vegetables, with their full and rich taste. This is a traditional Sicilian recipe, and I always loved the balanced mix of flavours and the richness of it, together with the fact…

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Empowering ourselves: self approval and dopamine’s help

Rely on yourself What does “empowering ourselves” mean? I’ve learnt to pat myself on the shoulder saying to myself “Good job!” Because sometimes no one else would do it, and instead of doubting my choice I realize that I don’t need others’ approval, and having mine… Is just fine. Of course, having a team that…

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