Sunshine In A Bottle: Meet St. John’s Wort

The golden saviour In the week of the summer solstice, I usually begin to look around fields and street borders, to try and spot if there is some St. John’s wort that can be harvested by the 24th of June, in order to prepare my annual batch of ruby red oil. I use it for…

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The Benefits of Green Tea

Green Love I have always loved tea, not only for its flavour, but for the romantic and aesthetic halo I’ve always associated it with. (Mad tea party anyone? I’ve thought since the first time I read it that, being Alice, I would have happily stayed with the Mad Hatter). And that was true for black…

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Berrycoconut Power Smoothie

This power smoothie is meant to be a refreshing and delicious immune boost snack. Easy to prepare, rich in all the good things that your body needs to recharge itself, to take care of your gut, to top in antioxidants and minerals! Why this Berrycoconut Power Smoothie is so good for you Maybe is the…

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Anti-Oxidants: why we need them and where to find them

Anti-oxidants are compounds naturally produced by our body, and present in a wide range of foods we eat. These are practically a group of different vitamins, minerals and compounds and phytochemical compounds, that help our body fight the action of free radicals. Know your free radicals and what they do Free radicals are found in…

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The Importance of Movement After 40

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, not the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.” Charles Darwin   Unfortunately, I grew up in a non-sportive environment, and I was not taught the importance of physical activity in itself. I was naturally quite active, but…

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ABC of Natural Wellbeing

What taking care of your wellbeing naturally really means   To understand the ABC of Natural Wellbeing, we need to focus on the word Wellbeing: it is defined as the welfare, health or happiness and prosperity of a person. Hence when we talk about Natural Wellbeing, we refer to a way to care for our…

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7 Feel Good tips to create your morning routine

During the past years I have increasingly felt the need to build a morning routine. I’ve read many articles about tips to create your morning routine, and there is really a lot of different ideas on what makes the perfect morning routine. Many focus on precise rules, that are often difficult to follow, and maybe…

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Avocado mixed salad with cannellini beans

I am a big fan of mixed salads, as they are a great way to eat healthy but do not require too much time for the prep (Did I mention already that I am not one that loves spending long time in the kitchen??? Well, I don’t!). This avocado and cannellini beans mixed salad is…

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The importance of food in our health

Sometime ago, I was chatting with a friend about his recent consultation with a doctor. During this encounter the doctor stressed to him over and over the importance of food in our health, in order to keep his high blood pressure in check. He wasn’t really impressed about it, and he told me that he…

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