8 Rules to nail natural self-care and auto therapy

Taking care of yourself naturally means having a completely different approach towards our health. It requires knowing ourselves and our bodies and listen to them in a way that is not common in our modern life, where we expect someone else to take care of our health. Furthermore, we expect a standardised approach to be…

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Healthy Rainbow Pasta Recipe

With summer approaching and some lovely warm weather already here, I’d like to reduce to a minimum the time that I spend cooking, and I’m always looking for some easy recipe that is quick to prepare and light, but still delicious like this healthy rainbow pasta recipe. What makes an healthy pasta recipe Adding a…

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The impact of going grey

Going grey means something different for anyone of us, and aside the common benefits that all silver sisters agree on (freedom from the dying slavery, healthy hair, etc.), there are more deep and unforeseen aspects that we might personally face. This is what I mean when talking about the impact of going grey. When I…

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5 Easy tips to control your weight and eat healthier

Last year dramatically changed the balance we had in our life (if any), and many of us are facing now the difficulty to come back to this new normal, and regain control on our weight and on the way we eat. I’ve had one too many baking frenzies during the past lockdowns, and adjusting to…

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Purple Shampoos Review

During the past 2 years of my grey hair transition, I tried many purple shampoos brands, to see the different results and understand what worked better on my hair, so I decided to write a purple shampoos review, hoping my #silversisters will find it helpful! I have a sensible scalp and I do not tolerate…

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Natural First Aid Kit for your natural wellbeing

This natural First Aid kit is a suggestion based on my experience and is something that I’ve built over time, after some experiments during the past 20 years on myself, my husband and my daughter (They experimented willingly, by the way, no husband or daughter has been harmed in the making of this kit!) and…

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6 Easy things you can do right now to be more sustainable

Easy things to do to be more sustainable The plastic ocean  Plastic consumption is the plague of our times, many articles have been written on sustainability, and what to do to address the problem. Why talking about easy things to do to be more sustainable? There is a lot of talking about going plastic free,…

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DIY Rose Oil

Inspired by the beauty of my blooming roses, I went looking for a recipe to create a DIY rose oil for the body, for “love yourself first” moment, and it worked wonderfully.

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