Martangelo’s Travel

Why Martangelo’s Travel? Here is a fun fact: this blog’s initial purpose was travel!

It was an idea born some years ago now, when my husband gifted me this domain thinking and wishing that Martangelo would be our little travel blog, full of adventures and places.

Well, what happened then? I hear you asking. The answer is: Covid, of course.

The pandemic and the world travel gap

With my project for the blog still as a work in progress, the news of the pandemic began to spread in early 2020, when we were coming back from Italy after visiting our family at the end of January. Our journey back was a sort of blurred dream, and we were wondering where all of that was going to lead us.

Never in our wildest nightmare we thought that what actually happened could really happen. But that’s history now,  and so I began to think to a different purpose for our Martangelo’s domain, as travel didn’t really seem an option anymore.

And with my love for natural wellbeing, the actual version of this blog launched in 2021.

When we were able to slowly begin to travel again, I was not even sure it was going to be permanent, and despite having in mind to start the travel section, somehow it didn’t seem feasible.

And then life happened, and I got a new job, and my husband began to travel a lot for his work, and Iwas able to join him often, but at the time never really seemed enough to start this travel section!

Dubai has quickly become one of my favourite places, here I was in September 2023: extremely hot, but I still loved it!
Dubai has quickly become one of my favourite places, here I was in September 2023: extremely hot, but I still loved it!

After another year, i just realised two things:

I have so much travel content to share that it would be enough to fuel a travel blog in itself.

New York, November 2023
New York, November 2023

I love traveling so much, and when we come back home from one of our trips, the first thing we do is planning for the next one! So, what better time than now?

An almost full moon in a clear sky (and freezing clod too!) New York, November 2023
An almost full moon in a clear sky (and freezing clod too!) New York, November 2023

Travel heritage

With these two realisations in my mind, I just thought that it was time to start this travel section.

We inherited our love for travel from our families, thanks to the travels efforts of our respective parents.

My father was a sort of pioneer of Africa travel, he started going there in the early 70ies, after being to Mauritius, Barbados, and several other places around the world, he fell in love with Kenia.

My parents in Mombasa, 1974
My parents, freshly engaged, in Mombasa, 1974

When my parents married, they were both working for Alitalia, Italy’s Air Carrier, they had a 50 days honeymoon in Mombasa (Something that I’m still struggling to believe, a 50 days honeymoon???? Is that  really a thing?)

Walking on white beaches, for 50 days! That sounds like paradise.
Walking on white beaches, for 50 days! That sounds like paradise.

My father in law worked as a travel guide in Japan and Egypt, whilst my mother in law , working for Iberia, got the chance to travel the word, at large.

My father in law during his tourist guid days in Egypt.
My father in law during his tourist guide days in Egypt.
And again my father in law in China, early Sixties.
And again my father in law in China, early Sixties.

Our life in travels

When my husband and I began to know each other a little bit better, we realised we had a similar childhood as well, with our parent both in love of Canary islands.

In my teens at Playa De Las Teresitas, Tenerife
In my teens at Playa De Las Teresitas, Tenerife

As my husband spent much of his vacation in Lanzarote as a kid, I did the same in Tenerife with my parents, and happy about this curiously common background, we started traveling together well before living together.

In Egypt with my parents in 1985
In Egypt with my parents in 1985

Every weekend brought the chance for an escape to Tuscany , Umbria, Emilia Romagna, and then we began planning a trip to Disneyworld Florida (that we loved so much and ended up going twice in the same year), and then we kept at it until our finances supported us.

Lanzarote for our honeymoon, and then again as soon as our daughter was born, when we had already moved to France, and were exploring all the delightful places in the south of France: Montpellier, Carcassone, Arles and all of the Provence region, then Paris…

And then we moved forward to new destinations far and near, as well as always going back to our happy places, teaching to our daughter to love traveling as much as we did.



Martangelo’s Travel Section Purpose

Travel is our fuel, our happy thought, our eye opener, it feeds our souls and our minds, and is such an important part of our lives, that I could only simply decide that now is the time to share it.

I hope you will enjoy the new Martangelo’s Travel section, and that it will inspire you.

In Madrid, January 2024
In Madrid, January 2024

I hope you will want to try new places you’ve never been to, or maybe revisit old ones seeing them in a new light.

Turkish breakfast in Dubai, a real treat!
Turkish breakfast in Dubai, a real treat!

I hope you will love our food suggestions, our pictures and our stories…

Charcuterie Board in Grenoble, that was even more than a treat... Tres gourmand!
Charcuterie Board in Grenoble at “La Cotolette”, that was even more than a treat… Tres gourmand!

And fall in love with all the amazing places that can be visited, the cultures that you can breathe, the history that you can immerse yourself into, and the beaches you can relax on.

Just losing your self in the blue a San Vito Lo Capo, Sicily, May 2023
Just losing your self in the blue a San Vito Lo Capo, Sicily, May 2023

Happy travel planning Folks, just go to my Travel section to have a sneak pick of my latest weekend in Madrid, and please join us as we begin this storytelling journey of places we loved, tips for traveling, Best things to do when you visit, and more!